Charity Fundraising and New Projects

Those of you who have been following my activities recently will know that I put on another online concert, “Songs From Lockdown” , on zoom on Friday the 19th of March, as a fundraising gig for Comic Relief. It was my most international gig yet, with people listening in from the UK, mainland Europe, the USA and New Zealand. Thank you so much to everyone who tuned in on the night and donated: we raised a very impressive £935!

I think it was a good gig: everyone seemed to enjoy it, and it gave me the chance to bring together some of the new material I’ve written since we first went into lockdown last year. For anyone who missed it, I’m planning to send out the link to some edited highlights along with my next newsletter, so if you’d like to be added to my mailing list please drop me a line and tell me you’re happy to be on it. I think that will satisfy GDPR for the moment…

Sadly my newsletter has been having a few teething troubles: I thought I’d been really on the ball and got to grips with mailchimp and sent out the last newsletter from my business email address,, rather than my personal one, but not everyone seems to have received it. Please check your spam folders! I’ll try and make sure the next edition actually reaches everybody.

… and in the meantime, I’ll be going back into the recording studio in early April, putting the finishing touches to a few new songs and hoping to release a 5-track EP, entitled “Heroes”, and a new collection of poetry, on the broad subject of recycling, reincarnation, re-creation and other things beginning with “re”, by the end of Spring. It seems like an appropriate time of year for things to be re-emerging and coming back to life…

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